导语 2013北京圣诞节有什么活动?北京圣诞节哪有活动?北京圣诞节哪里有派对?圣诞节马上就要到啦,北京去哪里玩呢?小编为您搜罗北京圣诞节的派对活动,供您出行选择。
咆哮20’s--圣诞节派对 @live in vac
时间: 2013.12.24 - 2013.12.25 (20:30-04:00)
地点:live in vac
费用: 详见现场
一部引动全球热议的电影《了不起的盖茨比》再次掀起时尚界一股追随20年代娱乐文化的复古风。而咆哮的二十年代(Roaring Twenties)这样一个“历史上最为多彩的年代”被大家再次了解这个年代的女性开始喝酒、跳舞、社交,定义了新时期的优雅男士用金钱铸造着最为华丽、骄奢、享乐的生活。
LIVE IN VAC圣诞节派对整个调性是营造华丽、性感、奢华感,再次带领人们回溯到那个纸醉金迷的“盖茨比”时期,体验美国历史上最为优雅的香奢风情年代。
The 1920s were an age of dramatic social and political change. For the first time, more Americans lived in cities than on farms. The nation’s total wealth more than doubled between 1920 and 1929, and this economic growth swept many Americans into an affluent but unfamiliar “consumer society.” People from coast to coast bought the same goods (thanks to nationwide advertising and the spread of chain stores), listened to the same music, did the same dances and even used the same slang! Many Americans were uncomfortable with this new, urban, sometimes racy “mass culture”; in fact, for many–even most–people in the United States, the 1920s brought more conflict than celebration. However, for a small handful of young people in the nation’s big cities, the 1920s were roaring indeed.
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