北京1月15/16日免费活动: 嘉趣·年味市集
导语 1月15、16日,北京嘉里中心将携手Time Out Beijing,共同举办新春心意手作体验课堂及年货市集。

TimeOutBeijing 嘉趣·年味市集
- 活动时间:
- 2016.01.15 - 2016.01.16 (11:00-17:00)
- 活动地点:
- (北京)嘉里中心一层
- 费用:
- 免费
- 报名方式:
TimeOutBeijing 嘉趣·年味市集
时间: 2016.01.15 - 2016.01.16 (11:00-17:00)
费用: 免费
As spring comes one step closer, so dose the Spring Festival, aka Chinese New Year. However, for many, the once grand, nation wide celebration has now shrunk to a small family reunion dinner. It is time to pick our old traditions back up and get that spring spirit going!
This January, expect a Chinese New Year-themed market, featuring handmade New Year’s Day merchandise, co-hosted by Time Out Beijing and Beijing Kerry Centre. Handcraft masters will be giving step-by-step instructions to paper cuts, flower arrangements, handmade brooches and lucky bags. There will also be special merchandise on sale. Desserts and drinks will be provided, just in case you need some refreshment. Join us at 1/F Kerry Centre Mall to revive the ancient oriental rituals of spring!
1月15、16日,北京嘉里中心将携手Time Out Beijing,共同举办新春心意手作体验课堂及年货市集。届时,您将有机会现场体验春节主题插花、剪窗花、珠花和缝福袋教程,还有各种手工艺品的售卖。来北京嘉里中心商场1层,集齐七件新春手工艺作品,一起召唤沉睡的中华巨龙吧!
The flower arrangement workshop will be brought to you by PILOT FLORA, a newcomer to Beijing Kerry Centre. It aims to boost this coming spring up with fresh flowers and maybe, some brand-new flower arrangement experience.
插花教程由嘉里中心的PILOT FLORA设计,旨在用鲜花为这个新春注入崭新的活力。PILOT FLORA倡导最精致的生活方式,致力打造最优雅的花艺美学,希望通过此次教程给您带来全新的体验。
Baifu will amaze you with its self-designed lucky bag sewing presentations, which is a big part of its New Year-themed creative workshop.
You cannot miss Ms. Fu Xiuqing’s paper-cut lecture if you think scissors are your thing.
Do you want to own a highly personlized brooches as New Year present? Come and join us.
Han Sheng, together with Mr. Cai Lan, both devoted to the reintroduction of the essence of traditional Chinese culture to the Chinese people, are to provide all-you-can-think-of Chinese New Year merchandise for sale. Nian gao, paper-cut, New Year picture and little monkey sculpture, come get your New Year’s shopping done before it’s too late! This Chinese New Year, welcome the year of monkey with handmade little something.
除了手作课程之外,来自宝岛台湾的汉声和被誉为“香港四大才子”的蔡澜老师带来的精美新春手工艺品和小吃将惊艳年货市场,目的是让现代人亲炙民间工艺大师的 智慧、感受鲜活的民间魅力 。本次市集将展售包括吉祥猴图、威武的门神、憨态可掬的泥塑猴、精巧的剪纸、软糯的年糕等一系列年货,意在除旧布新,送羊迎猴。
Admission is 88RMB, but members of Beijing Kerry Centre, tenants of Kerry Residence, and Time Out VIP readers can enjoy free admisstion through online RSVP. Click Read More, to RSVP NOW!
北京嘉里中心租客、公寓客人及Time Out VIP读者,通过网上RSVP可免费参与活动!现场报名,需支付材料费用88元。还在等什么,快快点击阅读原文RSVP吧!